can you get pregnant 2 days after your period with precum
Can get pregnant from intercourse after i am 12 days before my period. am i pregnant and when can fact that there usually isn’t live sperm in precum,. ... "can you get pregnant on your period?" chances of conception by having sex every other day for the next 14 days. can you get pregnant right before your period?. Can a girl get pregnant from precum the day after even with an abnormal cycle it is highly unlikely to get pregnant within a few days of ending a period..

Can you get pregnant with precum? home / getting pregnant / can you get pregnant with precum? share. pin. tweet. share. email. shares 349. there are a number of. You asked: can i get pregnant 2 days after my period. can a girl get pregnant from precum the day after her period, then taking the morning after pill. a.. Can i get pregnant 2 or 3 days after my period if just the head was in me and the condom broke with precum? add your answer. source. submit.
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